Corporate guidelines

1. Customers and suppliers

Cooperation with our customers and suppliers is based on trust and fairness. We strive for long-term cooperation based on partnership. We assume that our customers and suppliers equally value and comply with the principles formulated here.

2. Competition

We are committed to free and fair competition. Our employees are prohibited from interfering with this competition through collusion or other measures and will be sanctioned in the event of a violation. We assume that these principles also guide our customers, suppliers, and competitors.

3. Human rights, forced labor, and child labor

We respect internationally defined human rights within our sphere of influence and ensure that they are observed. Furthermore, we reject any form of forced labor and child labor. We also expect this understanding from our business partners.

4. Remuneration and working hours

We recognize our employees’ entitlement to appropriate remuneration and adhere to the legally guaranteed minimum wages. Our employees have a share in the success of the company. We comply with the applicable regulations on working hours.

5. Equal and respectful treatment

We provide equal opportunities to all employees. We do not discriminate against employees based on gender, race, color, religion, age, national origin, disability or sexual identity. Our employees treat each other with respect and collegiality.

6. Conflicts of interest, gifts, and attempted bribery

Our employees are required not to accept or make gifts that could result in a conflict of interest.

7. Environment

Environmental concerns are always an essential aspect of our business decisions. We, therefore, promote the conscious and economical use of resources. We make a contribution to this together with our suppliers by recycling metals.

8. Management

The management of our company acts in full responsibility for the employees and considers social aspects in its decisions.

April 2023
The management

Customer satisfaction

For over 100 years, we have been providing excellent service, customized solutions, and high-quality goods.

Fair competition

Price fixing and distortion of competition are a clear no-go for us and our long-standing partners.

Respectful cooperation

We maintain open and honest dealings with each other internally and with customers and partners.


By conserving resources, recycling, and shipping goods in reusable crates, we contribute to preserving the environment.

Attractive employer

We focus on proper training and the long-term inclusion of our employees in the corporate family.

Highest quality goods

Our semi-finished nonferrous metal products have been of outstanding quality for over 100 years – just like our customer service.

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